
Hey, Nick, quit playing with your dingy!!

Look at these three idiots. No way in hell Karle and Finebaum can catch a fish. Karle stands about 5'3" and weighs 120 pounds soaking wet (his giant head weighs about half of that). That boat looks so new I'll bet they bought it at Academy that morning. Mickey has caught cobia bigger than that thing. I even heard Karle and Finebaum talking about this yesterday on the radio and they both talked about how they don't know how to fish (sure can't tell by the video). Why even do it then? Sa6an looks even more uncomfortable than normal.

I'm sure Finebaum got a little queezy from the huge rapids on whatever man-made lake behind Karle's subdivision they are on. Though maybe they were just butterflies in his stomach from being so close to his mancrush, Sa6an. Finebaum was so excited he even broke his pole.


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