
Code Red?

WRAS does not care if Finebaum (and Bill "Bubba" Bussey) is wearing an Auburn hat in the above picture, this guy is a Bammer of the highest order. The stuff that he, Ian Fitzsimmons and Jay Barker have been spewing this week that Tuberville and other coaches called for a "Code Red" on DeRon Furr is utterly ridiculous.

Ian Fitzsimmons is a drunk smut peddler and Finebaum is a sensationalist who does not have an athletic bone in his body (see his fishing skills w/ Rick Karle and Sa6an). Jay Barker for all of his blind allegiance to SPUAT should know better than to accuse Auburn of this. Fights happen all the time in sports and amongst teams in practice. This past week we have had Steve Smith of the Carolina Panthers break a teammate's nose in a fight and Prince Fielder shove a teammate twice in the dugout during a game.

Whatever happened that caused the DeRon Furr situation (we may never know the exact reason why) is over and done with. It will not have a negative effect Auburn's recruiting nor will it have an impact on the 2008 team. The only thing it does effect is that Auburn now has another scholarship to offer a player who deserves it.

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