
The Brad Lester Rule

While listening to Dumber & Dumberer (aka Lance & Ian) today, I came up with a new rule. Brad Lester was on and D & D tried to bait him into acknowledging SPUAT's greatness and the outside world's inferiority. They asked him what he thought about SPUAT's play so far this season. Brad basically said, "To be honest, I don't even know who they have played. I've been too busy watching film and studying to pay attention to any other teams." Of course, this sent D & D into a tizzy that SPUAT is not the center of the universe.

So, The Brad Lester Rule is when you act like Bammers or SPUAT doesn't even exist, because if anything irritates Bammers more than having to bathe it's ignoring them. For example: "What 1AA team gave y'all a scare this weekend? Western Illinois?" or "Oh, y'all opened up with an ACC team? What was the score?"


Jack said...

I truly believe it is worse to be ignored than hated.

For example, I love my wife. I hate people who drive slowly in front of me in traffic. But if I completely ignore those homeless guys, they can't even be human to me.

Thanks! I now have a name to attach to this nugget of truth.

Anonymous said...

Who did you guys play this week? Mississippi State? How did the spread look? What was the score?